Our worship service for Sunday 24th September 2022
Series: Jesus at the heart of what we do
Today’s message: To Him – our hope
Our reading: Romans 15:13
Speaker: Simon Downing
The strong Christian message that was broadcast to millions of people in the UK and billions across the world throughout the Queen’s funeral, will have made many sceptics think again about their own eternal destiny. Don’t miss this opportunity to talk to your relatives, friends and neighbours about John 14 and the Queen’s absolute confidence in her heavenly Father.
Are you always trying to the impossible and failing? If so, then this quote is for you. “Trust God for the impossible miracles are His department. Our job is to do our best, letting the Lord do the rest”(David Jeremiah).
Whatever situation you find yourself, God will meet you there in order to take you where He wants you to go. You only have to ask.
Did you know that Barnabas was often referred to as “The Encourager” because that’s what he did! He encouraged people especially when they were struggling. You can read about Barnabas the Encourager in Acts 11:22-26. Perhaps inspired by Barnabas, why not try to encourage someone this week. Tell them that you care and encourage them to persevere, no matter what problems they are facing. Doing so, will help help them and you to keep going!
12th May 1943 – 3rd August 2022
Aldwick Baptist Church
Thursday 1st September 2022 at 12 noon
Conducted by Reverend Simon Downing