ABC News sheet 19th June 2022
This week, why not ask God to show you how to share the blessings you have received in order to help others?
This week, why not ask God to show you how to share the blessings you have received in order to help others?
Welcome to this morning’s worship service. To watch the whole of this service live simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption.
This week, please think about this question, “Is your love for Christ and your passion to serve HIm stronger than when you first believed?” To understand the importance of this question take a look at Revelation 2:1-5.
Every day this week why not focus on these words: ‘O what a mystery, meekness and majesty, bow down and worship for this is your God’ (Graham Kendrick, 1986, Thankyou Music). Then do it!
Welcome to this morning’s worship service. To watch the whole of this service live simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption.
This week, why not take a good look at yourself in the mirror. What sort of face do you see? As we approach Pentecost, be ready to let God transform you.
Welcome to this morning’s worship service. This service has been pre-recorded as we will not be steaming our live service this weekend. The online service mirrors the live service as much as possible. To watch the whole of this service simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption.
This week as we continue with our series on Spiritual Gifts why not pray for power to grasp the width, length, height and depth of Christ’s love for YOU!
Welcome to this morning’s worship service. To watch the whole of this service live simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption.
20th May 2022 at 12 noon.
Welcome to this celebration and thanksgiving service for Trevor Gaudoin. To watch the whole of this service live simply click on the arrow below and watch the complete service without interruption.