Author: Derek

Our Sunday morning worship service for 29th August 2021

Our Sunday morning worship service for 29th August 2021

The message: No one and nowhere is beyond the power of God

Reading: Mark 5:1-20

Speaker Derek Robinson

Welcome to this morning’s worship service. To watch the whole of this service simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption. There is no need to click again!

ABC News sheet 29th August 2021

ABC News sheet 29th August 2021

D L Moody once said, “You’ve got to get people lost before you can get them saved.” Now this could almost be our motto as we launch a series of new initiatives under our “Love Aldwick” banner. Please pray that these initiatives do bring us into contact with more non-Christians and give us the opportunity to befriend them and share the Gospel.

Our Sunday morning worship service for 22nd August 2021

Our Sunday morning worship service for 22nd August 2021

Today’s message: Your weakness – God’s strength

Reading: Judges 7:1-15

Speaker: Clive Bennett

Welcome to this morning’s worship service. To watch the whole of this service simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption. There is no need to click again!

Our Sunday morning worship service for 15th August 2021.

Our Sunday morning worship service for 15th August 2021.

Today’s message: Looking forward

Reading: Joshua 1:1-9

Speaker: Derek Robinson

Welcome to this morning’s worship service. To watch the whole of this service simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption. There is no need to click again!

Our Sunday morning worship service for 8th August 2021

Our Sunday morning worship service for 8th August 2021

Today’s message: Open up the gates

Reading: Psalm 24

Speaker: Simon Downing

Welcome to this morning’s worship service. To watch the whole of this service simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption. There is no need to click again!