Author: Derek

ABC News sheet 12th July 2021

ABC News sheet 12th July 2021

This week please remember that it is through prayer we align our priorities with God’s will for us. As you pray this week why not ask the Lord of the harvest to grow His compassion for the lost in your hearts? The lost mattered to Jesus, the lost matter to God and the lost should be central in all of plans for the future.

Our midweek worship service 7th July 2021

Our midweek worship service 7th July 2021

Series: Unstoppable – A journey through the Book of Acts

Part 12: Unstoppable – Leaders Lead

Text: Acts 20:17-38

Welcome to this evening’s worship service. To watch the whole of this service simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption. There is no need to click again!

Our Sunday morning worship service for 4th July 2021

Our Sunday morning worship service for 4th July 2021

Current series: Names of God

Today’s message: Names of God IX – Abba

Reading: Romans 8:12-16

Welcome to this morning’s worship service. To watch the whole of this service simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption. There is no need to click again!

Our midweek online service held on 30th June 2021

Our midweek online service held on 30th June 2021

Series: Unstoppable – A journey through the Book of Acts

Part 11: Unstoppable – Repent or resist: the effects of the gospel in a community

Text: Acts 19:8-34

Welcome to this evening’s worship service. To watch the whole of this service simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption. There is no need to click again!

Our Sunday morning worship service for 27th June 2021

Our Sunday morning worship service for 27th June 2021

Current series: Prayer

Today’s message: Prayer IV – Great is thy name

Reading: Psalm 148

Welcome to this morning’s worship service. To watch the whole of this service simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption. There is no need to click again!

Our Midweek worship service for 23rd June 2021

Our Midweek worship service for 23rd June 2021

Series: Unstoppable – A journey through the Book of Acts

Part 10: Culture Clash

Text: Acts 17:16-34

Welcome to this evening’s worship service. To watch the whole of this service simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption. There is no need to click again!

Our Sunday morning worship service for 20th June 2021

Our Sunday morning worship service for 20th June 2021

Current series: The names of God

Today’s message: The names of God VIII – Yahweh Sabaoth

Reading: 2 Samuel 7:18-29

Welcome to this morning’s worship service. To watch the whole of this service simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption. There is no need to click again!