Author: Derek

ABC News sheet 2nd May 2021

ABC News sheet 2nd May 2021

We are bombarded daily by news and comments from supposedly experts in their field. The only problem being they often disagree and are frequently misguided in their thinking. So today, remind yourself that God is in control of His world – and your life. That’s a great relief to me!

Our Midweek worship service 28th April 2021

Our Midweek worship service 28th April 2021

New series: Unstoppable – A journey through the Book of Acts

Today’s title: The unstoppable name of Jesus

Bible passage: Acts 3:1-11 & 4:1-21

Welcome to this evening’s worship service. To watch the whole of this service simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption. There is no need to click again!

Sunday Worship 25th April 2021

Sunday Worship 25th April 2021

Theme: Names of God

Names of God IV: Yahweh Shalom

Reading: Judges 6:1-24

Welcome to this morning’s worship service. To watch the whole of this service simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption. There is no need to click again!

Our midweek worship service 21st April 2021

Our midweek worship service 21st April 2021

New series: Unstoppable – A journey through the Book of Acts

Today’s title: Unstoppable: The birth of the church

Bible passage: Acts 2:42-47

Welcome to this evening’s worship service. To watch the whole of this service simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption. There is no need to click again!

Sunday Worship 18th April 2021

Sunday Worship 18th April 2021

Theme: Names of God III – Yahweh Shammah

Text: Psalm 139:1-12

Welcome to this morning’s worship service. To watch the whole of this service simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption. There is no need to click again!

Our midweek worship service – 14th April 2021

Our midweek worship service – 14th April 2021

Current series: United we stand, divided we fall.

Part 8 – United we stand – Psalm 133

Welcome to this evening’s worship service. To watch the whole of this service simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption. There is no need to click again!

Sunday worship 11th April 2021

Sunday worship 11th April 2021

Faith under pressure

Text: Acts 22:30 – 23:11

Welcome to this morning’s worship service. To watch the whole of this service simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption. There is no need to click again!