Author: Derek

Sunday worship 14th March 2021

Sunday worship 14th March 2021

New series: The names of God

Today: Names of God 1 – Yahweh Nissi

Text: Exodus 17:8-15

Welcome to this morning’s worship service. To watch the whole of this service simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption. There is no need to click again!

Midweek worship service 10th March 2021

Midweek worship service 10th March 2021

Current series: United we stand, divided we fall.

Part 3 – The Unity of Disbelief – Genesis 11:1-9 & Acts 2:1-11

Welcome to this evening’s worship service. This service includes details of the BMS campaign for a Covid free world – so have a pen handy. To watch the whole of this service simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption. There is no need to click again!

Sunday Worship 7th March 2021

Sunday Worship 7th March 2021

All Israel will be saved

Text: Romans 11:25-29 & 33-36

Welcome to this morning’s worship service. To watch the whole of this service simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption. There is no need to click again!

Our Midweek Worship Service 3rd March 2021

Our Midweek Worship Service 3rd March 2021

Current series: United we stand, divided we fall.

Part 2 – All are welcome in the house of the Lord – Romans 15:7-15

Welcome to this evening’s worship service. To watch the whole of this service simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption. There is no need to click again!

Sunday worship service 28th February 2021

Sunday worship service 28th February 2021

The Sustaining God

Text: hebrews 1:1-4

Welcome to this morning’s worship service. To watch the whole of this service simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption. There is no need to click again!

ABC News sheet 28th February 2021

ABC News sheet 28th February 2021

The last 12 months have undoubtedly formed the most unusual year in most of our lives – made more unusual, in that no one saw it coming. No one except God that is. Despite the difficulties we have all be experiencing, it’s good to know that we can trust God in all things. God has given us so much in the past, and the great news is, He will again and again. You can be confident in God.

Midweek worship service 24th February 2021

Midweek worship service 24th February 2021

New series: United we stand, divided we fall.

Part 1 – True Christian Unity – Romans 15:1-6

Welcome to this evening’s worship service. To watch the whole of this service simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption. There is no need to click again!

Sunday Worship 21st February 2021

Sunday Worship 21st February 2021

Holy Spirit Part V – Images – The dove and the seal

Readings: John 1: 29-34 & Ephesians 1:13-14

Welcome to this morning’s worship service. To watch the whole of this service simply click on the arrow below and sit back to enjoy the complete service without interruption. There is no need to click again!