Author: Derek

Sunday worship 13th September 2020

Sunday worship 13th September 2020

Theme: Knowing you, knowing me!


Welcome to our weekend service where I will be tackling a challenging passage that involves the end times as revealed by Matthew in chapters 24 and 25 of his Gospel.. Although we didn’t plan this together, my talk today follows closely on from Derek’s talk in midweek where he asked, “How can you be sure of your salvation?” Perhaps God is trying to tell us something very specific at this difficult time. I also feel that God has given me a prophetic word directly related to the passage which I will be sharing with you. Although we still can’t worship together in person, I feel that God is talking very clearly to His church in these times about what is to come. We need to be prepared. Simon

Worship time – Blessed be your name

Worship time – 10000 reasons (Bless the Lord

Reading – Matthew 25:1-13

Sermon – Knowing you, knowing me (with prayer included).

Worship time – How deep the Father’s love for us

Prophetic word

Worship time – Crown Him with many crowns

Blessing to close

‘For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory for ever. Amen.’

Romans 11v36

Midweek Worship 9th September 2020

Midweek Worship 9th September 2020


Welcome to our midweek service in the 25th week of COVID19 restrictions. When this started back in March, I don’t think any of us thought these restrictions would go on for so long. It is frustrating for all of us but we urge you to remain vigilant as the number of reported cases is beginning to rise again – even in our area. Of course, these restrictions have given us all an opportunity to show Christian love to our neighbours as we are now allowed to meet as two households. Please don’t waste this God given opportunity to draw closer to your neighbours and show the beauty of Christian love in action – perhaps over a cup of tea and a biscuit. Derek.

Worship time – Open the eyes of my heart Lord

Worship song: The heart of worship

Reading – 1 John 2:3-14

Sermon: Are you sure of your salvation?

Prayer: Day by day (The prayer of St. Richard)

Worship song: At your name

Blessing to close

Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice. Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you. Amen

Sunday Worship 6th September 2020

Sunday Worship 6th September 2020

Maranatha – Come Lord Jesus


Thank you for joining us for what is our current way of ‘doing’ church. I hope that the online service offered here will truly bless you, and that after this virus has passed, you will be able to join us as we resume our normal services and activities. In spite of what is going on at the moment, this is a time for personal growth and getting closer to God, and so my prayer is that you and your family will know him and his great peace, in all things. God bless you. Simon.

Worship time – Blessed Assurance

Worship time – All Heaven declares

Sermon – with prayer included

Worship time – Abide with me (Redman)

Three prophetic words

Worship time – Above all powers

Blessing to close

‘The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.’ Exodus 14v14

Midweek Worship 2nd September 2020

Midweek Worship 2nd September 2020

Series: 1 John – That you may know


Thank you for joining us for what is an unusual way of “doing” church. We trust that the online service offered here will truly bless you, and that after this virus has passed, you will be able to join us as we resume our normal services and activities. In spite of what is going on at the moment, this is a time for personal growth and getting closer to God, and so our prayer is that you and your family will know Him and His great peace, in all things. This week Clive Bennett, who is one of our members, is continuing with our series on 1 John a controversial passage that challenges us on how to be sure that we are walking in light, rather than darkness.

Worship time – Speak O Lord

Bible reading – 1 John 1:5 – 2:2

Sermon – Walking in the light – Clive Bennett

Worship time – Light of the world

Communion (based on the song above)

Worship time – Shine Jesus Shine

Blessing to close

The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So. let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light. (Romans 13:11-12). AMEN

Sunday Worship 30th August 2020

Sunday Worship 30th August 2020


Thank you for joining us for what is our current way of ‘doing’ church. I hope that the online service offered here will truly bless you, and that after this virus has passed, you will be able to join us as we resume our normal services and activities. In spite of what is going on at the moment, this is a time for personal growth and getting closer to God, and so my prayer is that you and your family will know him and his great peace, in all things. God bless you. Simon.

Worship song – Be thou my vision

Worship song – The Lord’s my shepherd

Sermon -Romans 1:16-17 including prayer and testimonies

Worship song – Happy days

Blessing to close

‘“The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.”’ Numbers 6v24-26

Midweek Worship 26th August 2020

Midweek Worship 26th August 2020


Thank you for joining us for what is now our usual way of “doing” church. We trust that the online service offered here will truly bless you, and that after this virus has passed, you will be able to join us as we resume our normal services and activities. In spite of what is going on at the moment, this is a time for personal growth and getting closer to God, and so our prayer is that you and your family will know Him and His great peace, in all things. Simon.

Worship time – Great are you Lord (sons and daughters)

Worship time – My hope is built on nothing less (Christ alone)

Bible reading – 1 John 1:1-4

Sermon with prayer – The Word of Life

Worship time – The world is looking for a hero

Blessing to close

May God bless you; may he hold you fast, may you know his loving arms underneath, and may you never fear. Amen.

Sunday Worship 23rd August 2020

Sunday Worship 23rd August 2020


Welcome to our Sunday worship service as we reach the 4th and final episode in our mini-series “Hidden Heroes from the BIble”. Today we will be looking at Enoch, one of only two people who lived before the flood of whom it is said the he “Walked with God.” The other being his great grandson, Noah. We can learn much about our own walk with God through Enoch’s life especially as we continue in this period of semi-isolation from each other but never from God.

Worship song – Open the eyes of my heart Lord

Worship song – As the deer pants for the water

Sermon Hidden Heroes of the Bible – Enoch

Worship song – In Christ alone

Blessing to close

Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Saviour, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. Jude 24-25.