After the debacle in the A level results, aren’t you glad God doesn’t grade us using an algorithm to see if we are “worthy” of saving? We deserve nothing from God but judgment, but in His grace, He offers mercy and full pardon to the one who trusts in the shed blood of Jesus Christ to wash himself clean. Never forget that salvation and everything that we have comes from God as a free gift by His grace. Hallelujah.
Series – Hidden Heroes of the Bible – Part 3 – Dorcas
Welcome to our midweek worship service where we will be continuing with our series on hidden heroes of the Bible. This week will be thinking about an ordinary woman who served God by doing ordinary things – much as many of you do. It is inspirational story that hopefully will inspire us all in our quest to serve the Lord in these difficult times.
Worship song – My hope is built on nothing less (Cornerstone).
Worship song – All I once held dear.
Reading Acts 9:36 – 43
Sermon – Dorcas – An ordinary hardworking woman.
Worship song – Here is love, vast as the ocean
Blessing to close
May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:5-6
The weather over the last few days has changed dramatically as we have moved from wall to wall sunshine to an overcast sky. The rather dark morning today reminds me that we are meant to be light – whatever the weather. For in Ephesians 5:8 we are reminded that “For you were once darkness, but now you are the light in the Lord. Live as children of light.” So this weekend, why not really try to bring the light into your neighbourhood.
Thank you for joining us for what is an unusual way of “doing” church. We trust that the online service offered here will truly bless you, and that after this virus has passed, you will be able to join us as we resume our normal services and activities. In spite of what is going on at the moment, this is a time for personal growth and getting closer to God, and so our prayer is that you and your family will know Him and His great peace, in all things. This Sunday with Simon away on holiday, Clive Bennett, who is one of our members, is continuing our series on “Hidden Heroes of the Bible” with Mordecai. This service will include communion
Worship time – The Lion and the Lamb
Worship time – Build my life
Sermon – Mordecai – with Bible verse and prayer included – Clive Bennett
Worship time – Great things
Worship time – Amazing grace (My chains are gone)
Blessing to close
“Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favour and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:3-6
Thank you for joining us for what is an unusual way of “doing” church. We trust that the online service offered here will truly bless you, and that after this virus has passed, you will be able to join us as we resume our normal services and activities. In spite of what is going on at the moment, this is a time for personal growth and getting closer to God, and so our prayer is that you and your family will know Him and His great peace, in all things. This week Clive Bennett, who is one of our members, is beginning a new series on “Hidden Heroes of the Bible” beginning with Miriam.
Worship time – Great are you Lord
Sermon – Miriam with Bible verses and prayer included.
Worship time – What a beautiful name
Worship time – King of Kings
Blessing to close
“These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.“ Hebrews 11:39-40 AMEN
Thank you for joining us for what is our current way of ‘doing’ church. I hope that the online service offered here will truly bless you, and that after this virus has passed, you will be able to join us as we resume our normal services and activities. In spite of what is going on at the moment, this is a time for personal growth and getting closer to God, and so my prayer is that you and your family will know him and his great peace, in all things. God bless you. Simon.
Worship time – Amazing grace (my chains are gone)
Worship time – Indescribable
Bible reading – Psalm 104:1-6
Sermon with prayer included – The splendour of the King
Worship time – The splendour of the King
Worship time – Beautiful Saviour
Blessing to close
‘Hallelujah! For the Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory!’ Revelation 19v6-7
Although God has already done many amazing things for us, we sometimes still struggle to grasp that we need need His power in our lives if we are to be the people He wants us to be. Consequently, this week, why not pray that you may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ (Eph 3:17-18); and that you may then use that power to spread the Gospel?
Thank you for joining us for what is our current way of ‘doing’ church. I hope that the online service offered here will truly bless you, and that after this virus has passed, you will be able to join us as we resume our normal services and activities. In spite of what is going on at the moment, this is a time for personal growth and getting closer to God, and so my prayer is that you and your family will know him and his great peace, in all things. God bless you. Simon.
Worship time – How deep the Father’s love for us
Worship time – Clean
Bible reading for today – James 1:19-25
Sermon – ‘The face in the mirror’ with prayer included.
Worship time – When peace like a river (All is well)
Blessing to close
‘All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever’, 1 Peter 1v24-25
Thank you for joining us for what is our current way of ‘doing’ church. I hope that the online service offered here will truly bless you, and that after this virus has passed, you will be able to join us as we resume our normal services and activities. In spite of what is going on at the moment, this is a time for personal growth and getting closer to God, and so my prayer is that you and your family will know him and his great peace, in all things. God bless you. Simon.
Worship time – Praise is rising
Worship time – My Jesus, My Saviour
Reading John 3:13 – 21
Sermon – ‘John 3:16’ with prayer included
Worship time – Oceans
Blessing to close
‘Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus…’ Romans 8v1
I wonder what sort of week you had this week? Did it bring it’s share of stresses and challenges? I also wonder what difference it would have made if you held the Gospel truth at the forefront of your mind. As the old song says, “Take it to the Lord in prayer”. It will certainly help.