ABC News sheet 5th April 2020
Lord in the midst of the current crisis help me to see your truth and your glory shining through.
Lord in the midst of the current crisis help me to see your truth and your glory shining through.
Thank you for joining us for what is an unusual way of ‘doing’ church. I hope that the online service offered here will truly bless you, and that after this virus has passed, you will be able to join us as we resume our normal services and activities. In spite of what is going on at the moment, this is a time for personal growth and getting closer to God, and so my prayer is that you and your family will know him and his great peace, in all things. God bless you. Simon
‘For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory for ever. Amen.’
Romans 11v36
Thank you for joining us for what is an unusual way of ‘doing’ church. I hope that the online service offered here will truly bless you, and that after this virus has passed, you will be able to join us as we resume our normal services and activities. In spite of what is going on at the moment, this is a time for personal growth and getting closer to God, and so my prayer is that you and your family will know him and his great peace, in all things. God bless you. Simon
‘May the Lord be your rock today, may he be your peace today, your stronghold, fortress and high tower. For you are hid with Christ in God, forever secure. Amen’.
Thank you for joining us for what is an unusual way of ‘doing’ church. I hope that the online service offered here will truly bless you, and that after this virus has passed, you will be able to join us as we resume our normal services and activities. In spite of what is going on at the moment, this is a time for personal growth and getting closer to God, and so my prayer is that you and your family will know him and his great peace, in all things. God bless you. Simon
‘“The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.”’
Numbers 6v24-26
Thank you for joining us for what is an unusual way of ‘doing’ church. I hope that the online service offered here will truly bless you, and that after this virus has passed, you will be able to join us as we resume our normal services and activities. In spite of what is going on at the moment, this is a time for personal growth and getting closer to God, and so my prayer is that you and your family will know him and his great peace, in all things. God bless you. Simon
‘To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— to the only God our Saviour be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.’
Jude 24-25
Although all of our church activities have been put on hold through the spread of coronavirus, God’s work goes on – and that includes sending out our weekly news sheet. It is a bit different this week as you might expect but it sent to you all with God’s love.
17th March 5.30pm.
Aldwick Baptist Church remain committed to offering a safe environment in which our community can meet and worship in safety.
Following the latest government advice on avoiding unnecessary gatherings where the virus might inadvertently be spread, we have been advised by the Baptist Union to cancel all services and activities for the time being. This now includes Sunday morning worship.
We will keep the website updated as and when there is more information or a change.
As the Church office may not be staffed at all during the COVID-19 risk period, please either email or leave a telephone message and someone will get back to you.
If you are able, we would ask you to look out for your neighbours who may be in need of help. We strongly recommend that you make a note of their phone numbers, so that you can keep in touch without face to face contact.
More information about the COVID-19 virus can be found on the following websites:
This Sunday will be a ‘Just Worship’ evening – where we worship God simply for who he is. This evening will be centred around the words of Psalm 27:4 in which the Psalmist says that he asks one thing of the Lord – that he may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of his life to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord. This is something that we can all endorse in our lives and the life to come. DO NOT MISS THIS.
In today’s sermon, Simon will be leading us into a new series based on the Revelation Churches as revealed to the Apostle John in a vision. We can only imagine what went through John’s mind as he turned towards the voice he heard. It was probably not exactly the same sound as he remembered Jesus’ voice to be (John described it as of a trumpet, Revelation 1:10). Yet he knew from the voice’s self-description (Alpha and Omega) that it was Jesus. This was John’s opportunity to see Jesus again, after knowing Him so well during the years of His earthly ministry. And yet as He turned and saw Jesus, John was so overwhelmed by what he saw that he fell at His (Jesus) feet as if dead. Of course, Jesus comforted John with a compassionate touch. Jesus tells John, as He tells, “Do not be afraid”.