ABC News sheet 17th July 2022
If you really want to know what God has in store for you this, why not pray this prayer, “Holy Spirit, help me to lay aside what I want to hear and open my heart to receive what you are saying today.”
If you really want to know what God has in store for you this, why not pray this prayer, “Holy Spirit, help me to lay aside what I want to hear and open my heart to receive what you are saying today.”
This week, as we begin a new series on hope, why not think about Desmond Tutu’s famous words, “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” Perhaps you could share this with a friend in need this week. It usually works better over a cup of tea.
This week, why not meditate on these words: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of His glory’ (Isaiah 6:3)?
This week, as you look into God’s word, why not begin by asking the Lord to open your eyes to see the wonderful truth contained it contains?
This week, why not ask God to show you how to share the blessings you have received in order to help others?
This week, please think about this question, “Is your love for Christ and your passion to serve HIm stronger than when you first believed?” To understand the importance of this question take a look at Revelation 2:1-5.
Every day this week why not focus on these words: ‘O what a mystery, meekness and majesty, bow down and worship for this is your God’ (Graham Kendrick, 1986, Thankyou Music). Then do it!
This week, why not take a good look at yourself in the mirror. What sort of face do you see? As we approach Pentecost, be ready to let God transform you.
This week as we continue with our series on Spiritual Gifts why not pray for power to grasp the width, length, height and depth of Christ’s love for YOU!