ABC News 20th March 2022
This week, why not spend some time reflecting on the different biblical names given to Jesus: Emmanuel, Shepherd, Redeemer, Light, Friend and so on. Thank Him that he is all of these things for YOU!
This week, why not spend some time reflecting on the different biblical names given to Jesus: Emmanuel, Shepherd, Redeemer, Light, Friend and so on. Thank Him that he is all of these things for YOU!
This week, try to set aside some time to sit quietly and wait on the Lord. Ask Him to speak to you, and to give you a willing heart to hear and obey anything He says.
In these worrying times I suggest we, ‘Trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding; in all our ways submit to Him, and He will make our paths straight’ (Proverbs 3, 5,6)
As Covid restrictions draw to an end, please thank God for close friends and family that have stood by you in these difficult times. Ask God to bless them richly in this new week.
Hunger or God is not a virtue we possess, but a gift from God. Left to ourselves, it’s easy to become complacent. This week why not pray that God will stir your heart afresh.
It’s the weekend. So why not take a few minutes to be quiet and still. Simply relax and listen to the sound of God’s world all around you. Know again that God is present always.
Are you worried about the future? Do you look back and wish you could change the past? Well if you do, then this quote is definitely for you. “Sometimes you have to stop worrying, wondering and doubting. Have faith that things will work out, maybe not how you planned but just how it’s meant to be.”
It’s the weekend! So do take a moment to be quiet and still. Try to relax and know again that God is present with you as you prepare to continue with the journey of life. In the Book of Hebrews, the Apostle Paul tells to “Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus.” As you make plans for the weekend, do make sure that you keep your eyes fixed on Him.
This week why not consider how God has worked in your life so far. Is there someone you can share this with iover the next few days?
This week, do praise and worship God for His creation and reflect before Him on what it means to be made in His image.